Originally Posted by alicat
My surprise is that the FDA has concluded anything on this subject. Given all the retractions that have been issued for previously A-Ok'd drugs, etc, I personally don't have any trust left in an institution that is "supposed" to protect us American's.
I'm not a particularly big fan of the FDA. Most of the progress in food and drug safety has been more voluntary and economically driven than FDA mandated (e.g., sanitation and bacterial contamination testing exceed FDA requirements in many slaughterhouses because
McDonalds will not buy beef from them otherwise.
Their ruling on "organic" labeling panders to an agrindustry trying to convert environmental "green" into financial "green" with little attention paid to the original function and purpose of organic farming.
The rules for "substantially similar" drug approval seems designed to help pharmaceutical manufacturers end-run patent law while avoiding the costly bother of ensuring their drugs are safe
or effective.
They're basically a system in place to allow businesses to shit on the little guy with the big brother seal of approval. I'm sure they do a lot of less controversial stuff that's really beneficial to public health and welfare, of course, but we're a long way from street corner hucksters selling snake oil and laudanum.
Originally Posted by alicat
I feel the same way about cloned animals and their offspring as I do about the drugs that were previously deemed safe; let me know when you are absopositively sure about that!
How do you feel about eating cloned plants?