Originally Posted by MuadDib
Yet another state for Hillary. At this point does Obama need to win South Carolina to stay viable or can he hold out for Super Tuesday?
He has to win SC to stay viable. The question is how effective will Bill Clinton and his smear machine be able to sling enough mud to hurt Obama's public image. They've been trying really hard the last 10 days to paint him into "the black candidate" corner, but Obama's been as resistant as his rhetoric implied he would be. The real surprise for me yesterday was Edward's evaporated support. He was gunning for to play kingmaker after 2/5 and now it's unlikely he'll have enough delegates to matter.
If Obama wins SC, the race tightens up so much that we probably won't have a nominee until late March. If he loses SC, it will take a epic event to derail Clinton and her marching band of DLC hacks.