I rode my bike when I lived on campus at Texas Tech.
I drove my car the 5 miles there and 5 miles back when I moved off campus.
I drive my car to school now in College Station which is 8 miles there and 8 miles back. I drive a paid off 99' VW Beetle, good mileage. Also the bus is never a sure thing sometimes, if it's full they pass you over and you're late. I'd just rather drive myself, it's easier for me. CS doesn't have much a public transportation system...of course what really big city in Texas does. I know Atlanta has the MARTA system. So far in Fort Worth they have buses but no subways or anything of that nature like in the larger and more condensed cities up north.
I give James credit, he rides his bike to and from work. He's an inspiration.
Last edited by surferlove007; 01-20-2008 at 12:31 AM..