think she's afraid? The pregnancy issue should be nil since she's on birth control and you're even willing to use a condom. The "yeah, but" is usually a prelude to a weak argument. You say you have an intimate relationship so she should be willing to tell you what fears, if any, she has.
Originally Posted by boobmandan
I think the #1 issue is that she's uncomfortable with her vagina.
If it's a legit discomfort, I can only ask if she's been abused or raped in any way, or possibly been told something as a child that's still impacting her. An in-law of mine had her first wedding annulled because she was so tense and wound up, her new husband couldn't relax her enough to enter her. As a child, an aunt used to tell her (I can't recall exactly what it was) something horrible would happen if a man entered her. (It took some years and therapy to get past this, but she's fine now.) Not saying this is the case, but "yeah, but" doesn't sound like a conversation-ender, but more like a conversation that needs to get started. It could be as simple as she just needs to grab a mirror and take a look at what she's got.
You shouldn't have to
think you know what might be the problem. You should know the answer after two years - maybe you just need to ask?