Originally Posted by spinelust
What do you all do, and what do you all think?
Does it not strike you as hypocritical to call other people self righteous and then turn around and tout your way as the best way in a rather smug manner? For you public transportation works, congratulations. However for the vast majority of Americans PT is not an option. Contrary to popular treehugger belief people are not bound by some unspoken law to do what someone else thinks is best, even if they can. Personally I drive ~53 miles round trip to/from work in an old car with no cats, no EGR valves, no modern day emissions controls at all. If anyone tried to take that away from me I'd laugh in their face.
With all that said, if it works for you & makes you feel better about yourself then go for it. Your personal happiness is to important to waste sitting in rush hour traffic.
*edit cause I can't spell