Originally Posted by xepherys
Hmmm... this is interesting.
First of all, ADHD, at least at the symptomatic level, does indeed exist. I know! The symptoms of it basically equate to an overactive/restless mind. It is very difficult for me to concentrate on tasks, and the less interested I am in them, the more difficult it is. I mean difficult as in the following scenario, which plays itself in classrooms from the time I was 14 until right now:
My belief on this is that while the symptoms are real its not a 'disorder'. Its pretty typical for males and based on the very large percentage, all most all male, with this 'disorder' either we as a species are totally fucked up or some people are a bit trigger happy in deciding whats an illness.
I manged to get a couple of advanced degrees with this 'disorder' and never took a drug for it.