Originally Posted by Lasereth
I see nothing wrong with it besides it being expensive. Sooner or later the population of the human race will exceed our food and cloning will be essential for our survival. As soon as the cost goes down I hope to see cloned food in the grocery store. It's a sign that humans are progressing with science and technology and I like that.
What about social progress? Shouldn't that be the end that we use technology to get to?
Originally Posted by Lasereth
It's pretty dumb to not let a technology this advanced go unused because some people don't think it's ethical.
So any technology advanced enough should be free of ethical considerations? I don't think you mean that.
To answer the thread, I don't really see the big deal with this. It's just another way to change the genetic make-up of animals and their secretions... something they're doing already without cloning. You don't have to eat them if you don't want to.