Originally Posted by sparky282
Well, I took the advice of many on this thread and told my friend about the pics. His wife couldn't have been better about it, thanking me for bringing it to their attention so they can perhaps address the issue with the web site. But my friend called back later and was pissed at me. He had somehow rationalized this thing was partly my fault, because if I wasn't "trolling those porn sites" I would have never seen the pictures of his wife "exposed." The conversation got heated, with him giving me a lesson on morality. And he doesn't know if he can get over the fact I saw his wife's "private parts." I kept quiet for most of his rant, but finally reached my breaking point, blurted out something like "It's great that Annie's drapes don't match the carpeting," and hung up. Something tells me it will be awhile before we talk again. Shit.
Smooth move, ace.
Seriously, aside from the little verbal blunder there, it sounds like you did the best you could given the situation. Unless he just wants to be holier than though about you looking at pr0n, he should recognize that you did him a favor, and the best you could given the circumstances.