Originally Posted by merleniau
I think cloning can be a good thing, especially when it comes to understanding the effects of genetics, environment, stress, etc. but I'm not sure that it's really necessary to spend that much money for agricultural products that can still be produced pretty efficiently.
I think it can be a good thing to, but not for eating. IMO anyways.
What are the odds of a perfect clone every single time? there has to be some kind of risk involved. I can see this working in that less "animals" will be used, but by the same token cloning and raising an animal and killing it probably giving it the same drugs you would've given a regular animal. I don't see that as much better, although I know thats not really the general consensus as I still get the "You Dont Eat Meat? WHY?????"
as for Japan, I had never read anything along those lines. I'll look it up and get back to you.