Sure. I did a lot of hitchhiking but that was back in the mid 1960's to the early 1970's. You meet a lot of interesting people ...and it's very surprising how many people will go substantially out of their way to take you someplace. Now my family needs me too much for me to do that at this time. But I still like the idea and would do it again if I could ...I wonder if getting a ride now adays is less safe, and if, as a substantially older hitchhiker, it would be more difficult to get rides? I would leave Phila and head toward Alaska via a very circuitous route. To get moving along the road, I could see blending in some train hopping, too. Since all the major railroads have been customers I've dealt with for over 30 years, I see the behind the scenes operations, so I think I could find easy ways of being allowed on trains without the typical "hobo" difficulties and risks. At times I can see this getting lonely, so either have a hobo buddy or enough peace of mind to deal with it.