I'm gonna have to side with the people who are upset that bullshit was called. I have actually been the subject of a thread where the majority opinion was that the story was bullshit. It wasn't appropriate for me to be on tilted then so I only learned of it later, needless to say that situation has cleared up and I am here to stay.
Tell your buddy, cause I am sure you would want to know. For the love of whatever God you acknowledge however don't bring up the wacking off! On second thought why did you? Honestly if I saw a pic of my friends wife online I would drop the dick pick up the phone and tell the guy we needed to talk ASAP. I wouldn't beat off again for at least a week, purely out of feeling like I just walked into a good friends bedroom accidentally with my dick in my hand.
Tell him, be completely honest until he asks if you beat off to a video of his wife, I give you permission to lie like a devil on that topic.
And if it ever happens again do the right thing and give up on the date with palm-ala and tell him right away.