Originally Posted by flstf
It seems to me that the best way to make tax filing simpler is to eliminate deductions and loopholes not add more. Maybe something that could be printed on a postcard like (income = X then taxes = Y) with no deductions.
Well on that point we are in complete agreement. I am in favor of a simple income tax that is universal and single-schedule. That is there are no loopholes/credits/shelters/etc. All income is eligible and treated the same, no matter how it is earned (wages, cap gains, inherited, won the lottery, whatever). Any two adults that form a household may divide their total income across the two of them. All other forms of taxation, including special-purpose taxes (FICA), specific-item taxes (gasoline, tobacco), tolls, and user fees, should be eliminated entirely.
If this were adopted, any American could with a simple hand-held calculator (some of you smarter folks in your head), based on their income, figure out the exact cost to them (not a guestimate based on averages) of any bit of government spending.
Of course it means nowhere to hide for those who want to enact spending while hiding the burden from voters.