Do you love it or do you avoid it?
What are your reasons for doing so?
What sites do you prefer and why?
Is there anything that convinced you to buy something when you normally wouldn't? (Evil question, I know.)
Are there any website features that you enjoy that help you shop?
How do you research what you are going to buy?
What kind of products do you buy? Electronics? Media? Clothes?
What's the most "personal" (something that you're picky about and usually need to check out in person before you buy) item that you've purchased online?
neither love it nor avoid it. does come in handy sometimes.
convience. price. item availability.
i use the web sites of the major stores as a research tool more than a shopping site. much easier to compare items on a screen instead of going back and forth between a couple of models. that and no annoying salespeople.
nothing has really convinced me to buy something out of the ordinary.
being able to compare several items side by side. good search feature. easy navigation.
i typically find two or three sites that offer similar items and compare prices. then pick one site to compare features. sometimes i check local availability too. some items i need to see in person before buying.
i've bought concert/sports tickets, airfare/hotel packages, pet supplies, software, jewelry and books online. i never buy clothes, furniture or electronics online.
most personal item would be the jewelry. couldn't find what i was looking for in the stores and found it online. it turned out to be a nice piece too. got lucky.