Originally Posted by Halx
I wonder if anyone would purchase designer furniture online.
If I could examine it in a showroom first, sure. I would never by something like a sofa without first sitting in it.
Also, what would DISCOURAGE you from buying from a particular website?
A pocket knife purchase from one site landed me on a mailing list for a company that sells replica nazi items (among other things). I wasn't happy about receiving the catalog. I never bought anything from that site again.
Generally, websites that look like they were designed for Mosaic make me a bit nervous. However, I'll buy from a poorly designed site if they have industry references or recommendations from other sites that I respect.
Being required to register before the site estimates shipping and handling reduces the chances that I will purchase anything from them.
Typos, poor grammar, lots of animation, dead links, long load times all discourage me from buying from some websites.
That's it for now.
Originally Posted by inBOIL
Are there any website features that you enjoy that help you shop? I like easy comparison spec sheets (with the specs listed in the same order). Links that I can left-click or right-click and open in a new window (I hate those javascript pop-ups).
Me too! I like to be able to open items in new tabs. Detailed specs and the ability to compare across product are nice as well.