Do you love it or do you avoid it?
I love it.
What are your reasons for doing so?
The comfort and convenience of buying from home. The nearest shopping area is a one hour drive away. Even with shipping costs, online shopping is less expensive than driving. I can't stand traffic and crowds.
What sites do you prefer and why?
I buy nearly everything online so there are many sites I frequent. Ease of moving through the site, quality of merchandise in relation to cost, and good customer service dictate whether I return to a site again. Amazon does well in these areas, in addition to having a *memory* of my interests and makes recommendations.
Is there anything that convinced you to buy something when you normally wouldn't? (Evil question, I know.)
I'm not an impulse buyer, but I have added purchases at checkout with the lead Amazon uses (other buyers of this also bought this other thing).
Are there any website features that you enjoy that help you shop?
A good search function is very helpful. I also want a very complete description of the item and an option of a larger view.
How do you research what you are going to buy?
If it is a standard purchase such as books or cd's, I will return to the same site that has provided the best buying experience. If it is something I have never bought online before, I begin with a Google search for providers.
What kind of products do you buy? Electronics? Media? Clothes?
Everything that doesn't require my physical presence.
What's the most "personal" (something that you're picky about and usually need to check out in person before you buy) item that you've purchased online?
I can't buy slacks online because of the variance in sizes. I need to try on the item first in order to buy similar items online later at that store's site. I am very particular about artwork, and nearly all of my purchases have been online.
Hal, let me know if you looking for something more specific than the above.
"You can't ignore politics, no matter how much you'd like to." Molly Ivins - 1944-2007