1) Stop killing hookers
2) Bring about a massive victory in the area of civil rights
3) Place above 20th in the Le Mans in a car I built that runs on saltwater
4) Base jump
5) Fight a shark (maybe this should go last)
6) Win a Grammy for "Album of the Year" with an album of 100% original classical pieces, beating pop artists
7) Rewrite the dialogue from all 6 Star Wars films with Kevin Smith and, at gunpoint, force George Lucas to reshoot all of them with my dialogue
8) Meet Edward James Olmos and have something to say to him that impresses him
9) Donate $50,000 to TFP
10) Find Crompsin a girlfriend
11) Send Ustwo a bottle the cheapest single malt scotch I can find
12) Read roachboy's journal until it makes sense (it took a 20 minute conversation for me to get the name of his journal)
13) Wrestle George W. Bush and the loser has to publicly admit to and apologize for all of his mistakes