Do you love it or do you avoid it?
Love it!
What are your reasons for doing so?
Convenience, selection and cost. Ease of choosing, availability of professional and user reviews, comparing product, price, shipping methods etc. Plus, I can find products that aren't carried in local stores. I don't have to get dressed, get shoved around by other shoppers, wait for a salesperson who doesn't know the product and then wait in line to pay and then gas up my car.
What sites do you prefer and why?
I predominantly use for actual purchasing and gift cards, but there are many other outlets, cosmetic and clothing sites I've used.
I used for about a year but was very unhappy with their shipping practices, customer service and response time. I find that eBay, in general, no longer serves up the value that it did at one time for me.
Is there anything that convinced you to buy something when you normally wouldn't? (Evil question, I know.)
Maybe those FREE SHIPPING days might get me to buy something I would've normally waited to buy.
Are there any website features that you enjoy that help you shop?
Categorizing and subcategorizing, buyer reviews, photos, easy clicking.
How do you research what you are going to buy?
Google. See above. Sometime and similar.
What kind of products do you buy? Electronics? Media? Clothes?
All of the above.
What's the most "personal" (something that you're picky about and usually need to check out in person before you buy) item that you've purchased online?
We are always more anxious to be distinguished for a talent which we do not possess, than to be praised for the fifteen which we do possess.
Mark Twain