.. hahahha ... people still run Winblows?
In all reality, I agree .. Vista is trash - the only reason I tried it out was for the 64-bit component. Which by the way is amazing except for the fact that there are almost NO 64-bit drivers.
Hell, I even tried XP 64-bit and had a ton of driver issues.
Which leads me to my original statement .. hahahha ... people still run Winblows?
People should really give Linux a try - you can download the *.iso file for many distributions FOR FREE and try it out. When I say try it out, I mean .. burn the CD and boot directly from the CD (or DVD) without having to install it on your hard-drive. Hell, you can even decide to install it on your hard-drive and dual-boot, allowing you to keep Winblows on your machine.
.. but really .. XP becoming 10% faster means it will now be between 60% and 110% faster than Vista .. nice!

Good f'n work Microslop!