Well, here's a hint at his agenda, with all this new talk on Israel. He's trying to change his perception in the Middle East. Which is probably a good idea, although this is a somewhat hamfisted approach.
Despite that optimism, the president also said that he feels misunderstood in the Middle East.
"My image [is] 'Bush wants to fight Muslims.' And, yes, I'm concerned about it. Not because of me, personally. I'm concerned because I want most people to understand the great generosity and compassion of Americans," he said.
"I'm sure people view me as a warmonger and I view myself as peacemaker," the president said. "They view me as so pro-Israeli I can't be open-minded about Palestinian peace, and yet I'm the only president ever to have articulated a two-state solution. And you just have to fight through stereotypes by actions."
The president said he hopes to change that image by opening a dialogue and letting "the results speak for themselves."
"I mean, when this democracy in Iraq solidifies and emerges and is whole, people will understand what I meant about the democracy agenda. People will know that my view is not American democracy, but it's freedom based upon certain principles that honors the traditions and culture of the host country."
"Certain principles". Bush still hasn't caught on that "imposed democracy" is an oxymoron.