There are very few genuine female criminals. Nealy all "crime" committed by women is non-violent, and nearly all of that is driven by desperation, normally when held in the sway of the male controlled illegal drug industry.
I can't even touch this, because you've worded it so carefully that you can back out claiming you were right no matter what facts arise to dispute your claim. I envy your use of "very few", "genuine", "non-violent", "nearly all" and "driven by desperation". It's very careful word smithing to disguise an otherwise unprovable tautology. After all, you can say male rapists are 'nearly all' driven by desperation; they were SO DESPERATE for sex!
Your comments are so trivial I can't help but believing that this thread, like the Hillary Clinton thread, are poisoned by your naive belief about the sanctity of women. It's no surprise you can't have a female President, and it's no surprise that you can't believe a 'poor lil Womiins' is being so mistreated by the evil evil government.
I'd have no problem if you just admitted you were an out-and-out sexist and defended from there, but instead you're trying to hide in a guise of 'equality but not equal treatment'!
This one in particular makes me laugh:
One prison would be adequate to hold all genuine female criminals in the US.
I wish there was a better word than naive. Primitive, perhaps?