Originally Posted by LoganSnake
It's the holier than though attitude that gets me.
"This member is new and does something I don't like. Hey, I think I'll be an asshole to him/her!"
I am not defending shimmerae, simply commenting on the "let's jump the new annoying guy" tactic that's present not only in online forums but in real life as well.
All I'm saying is that the situation could have been handled a little more tactfully.
I hereby invoke the Crompsin Corallary which states that annoying can avoid being jumped so long as they are entertaining. Crompsin was and is annoying, but gosh darn it if he isn't entertaining as all getout. He's definitely someone who can draw my interest to a thread that I might not have read otherwise and is a valuable asset to TFP, in my personal opinion.
To close, I'll ask for a situation around here that COULDN'T have been handled with a little more tact. Why this very post could have used more tact....