Originally Posted by Strange Famous
The prosecution did not seek a prison term in any case.
The judge acted out of nothing but mysogony, brutality, and the desire of the cheap and tawdry rewards of fame.
If the prosecution does not ask for jail time, how can the judge pass this sentence? Everyone involve recognised that she had been punished enough - except for this judge who is so desperate to see his name in headlines that he will attempt to destroy the life of this woman to do it.
The cheque fraud is a separate issue in any case.
This sentence is for lying about taking steroids. It is lunatic to jail someone for this.
EVERY sports star should refuse to ever answer a question in any kind of congressional court of this nature again, in defence of Marion Jones.
I would refuse to attend their session alltogether, and advise them that they would need to arrest me and bring me to trial for a criminal offence before I would speak to their court. If every athlete did the same, this kind of outrage couldnt happen.
Thats a rather strong statement.
Perjury is a serious crime and to do so in a criminal investigation is not a wise move. She did and now shes paying for it.
Whats interesting is that if the judge let her off, odds are there would be people talking about how celebrities and women get off easy.