Originally Posted by loquitur
unfortunately, flstf, tha'ts true. It's a function of the fact that politicians of any stripe get to use other people's money to buy votes. There has to be a way to break that pattern of behavior.
If everyone suddenly registered as independents and withdrew all political financial support, we would have their full attention.
Could such a movement succeed in the U.S.?
I'm registered Independent and don't really see Ron Paul as an electable candidate on any platform. Since this is from a Dutch website... I'd like to see what affiliations they may have snd how they categorized and ranked participants according to how the questions are written and their interpretation of each candidates stance.
Barmitt Obomney for President
If you could splice Barack Obama's charisma and ability to positively inspire with Mitt Romney's financial expertise and management/leadership skills, I'd probably vote for Barmitt Obomney. Otherwise, I'm just scratchin' my head on this one. IMO- What a sad group of candidates... can't we do better?