Originally Posted by SecretMethod70
Bush is doing everything he can to get a deal before he leaves office...he knows it's his one and only chance for history to have a remotely decent opinion of him.
I never really thought about it in these terms, but I would agree. I think any leader that is able to negotiate a unified compromise that both side ( on the general can live with they would be remembered well. Although I think he is a little late. But in overall term is doesnt matter if it can be done it one step away from realizing a self0fufilling prophecy that will only benefit those with prestaked interest in rooms within Mt Weather. If he can do it, more power to President Bush- regardless of his motives.
Originally Posted by Ustwo
Sometimes you need to remember there is another side to this issue, who's desires are not always peaceful in nature or compromising.
Sometimes you need to remember there is another side to this issue, who's desires are not always peaceful in nature or compromising.
The onus isn't solely on Israel or what the US says.
When I’ve been to the Holy Land I’ve met Israelis (actually a couple that were quite beautiful- strange seeing a 20 y/o female with an automatic weapon strung around) and Palestinians that were very humble showing me around Bethlehem and proud to say they were Christians. There is no doubt having friends and family blown up on a bus just going home is right. Neither is having fencing from your neighbor extend over into your yard with the attitude of this is mine now, if you have anything to say about it let me refer you to the IDF.
The historical argument will go back and forth for some time. I think the only way it will stop is to stop basing everything on the Old Testament. Hell, there is even Jews that use that very text to proclaim the illegitimacy of Israel. Hopefully like America did with the native Americans, some kind of understanding to established. No I’m not saying the Palestinians should have casinos, but I think just as there is Israelis willing to compromise there are just as many groups that would be classified be any mean of a standard as terrorist working against from the Jewish side.
This really is an issue that is eventually going to affect us all.