Originally Posted by Ustwo
Melodramatic overstatement.
This is not the average voter, average democrat voter, or even average socialist voter.
This is a pile of buzzwords and 'issues' put into a warm mass in order to make a point that doesn't really exist.
Oddly I didn't see the bread lines as I drove past the shanty town in my H2, but I had to avoid those sick children dying in the street so I might not have been paying much attention, its hard enough with the pot holes
Oh Ustwo, you wound me. I might have painted a bit of a picture there, but no harm in that when each bit of it is a very real concern for a very significant number of Americans. And besides, I wasn't even passing judgment on whether it's a valid set of concerns or not, just that when so many Americans
do believe it, it is harder to sell them on space programs.