Originally Posted by Strange Famous
In my opinion it is pretty sexist to say that women should be thrown in jail just the same as if they were some kind of common hoodlums, because her boyfriend mixed her up in some bad business, and she lied about cheating in a sport.
The cads who would place a young mother in this situation are as much villians as the coaches who exploited her and forced the steroids on her.
Why would you assume that it was the company that she kept that got her into the trouble. It was herself that got her in trouble. She chose to hang out with her OTHER ex too, shot putter CJ HUnter who was also either implicated or guilty (can't recall) of PED's. She is a smart girl who knew exactly what she was doing, to think anything less is the same kind of sexism that leads you to think that she shouldn't go to jail at all. That is exactly why they sentenced her to the max sentence, because she was so smug about lying to their faces.