Originally Posted by ASU2003
She would be able to pull out the troops. Whether that is a good idea or not is another debate.
Able, yes, but there's no way she'll do it. The strategic genius of the Iraq invasion was to bungle it horribly until the last hour and then pass on to the next chump a strategy that has the appearance of working. So she either leaves us in and attempts to clean up the mess, or she pulls us out and creates a bigger mess. What do you do when a blonde throws a pin at you? Run like hell; she has a grenade in her mouth. That blonde is what Bush has made Iraq.
And I don't like Liberman either, but he does represent the Jewish population. Which is more representation than many other groups have (besides white, male, religious and rich).
No he doesn't. He represents Israeli settlers and other ultra-zionist crazy people. He's every bit the fundamentalist lunatic that Huccabee or Pat Robertson is, only he's bought into Likud security dogma rather than literal interpretation of the Talmud. He represents the Jewish Population like Cynthia McKinney represents the Black middle class, which is to say as a parody thereof.
Hillary would need to get the middle independents if she were to win. And I would say that Barack has a better chance of swaying those voters than Hillary. If it were Hillary vs Bush, I would say she would win. But a McCain, Romney or maybe even Huckabee would be a tough match.
I think only McCain would present her any significant challenge. I sincerely doubt that presenting the People with documented evidence of the multitude of times he has exhibited the hypocrisy that is a job qualification for getting anything done in the legislature would disrupt the straight talk narrative he has built over the last 8 years. Comparing him to Hillary tarred with Bill's broad brush will likely turn people who ought to be more moderate than him in his favor. I just want the collapse to happen in such a way that the Republicans can be blamed for it, since they caused it.