Originally Posted by Charlatan
First of all, Host... that was a bit of unrelated nonsense. Please take your grindstone elsewhere.
Second, sending a woman to prison is not more or less serious than sending a man. To suggest otherwise is pretty sexist. Crime is crime. To the crime be prepared to do the time.
No, it is not called sexism, it is called the decent upon of humankind.
To think that men and women should be treated by the same standards is intolerable.
Should women be sent to the front line of a war, to fight and die like men? Of course not.
In the worst cases a woman may be sent to prison, but it is a pretty serious thing, especially as she is also a mother.
In my opinion it is pretty sexist to say that women should be thrown in jail just the same as if they were some kind of common hoodlums, because her boyfriend mixed her up in some bad business, and she lied about cheating in a sport.
Cheating is cheating, and the only punishment for cheating in a sport should relate to sanctions by the governing body of the sport. If she is said to have committed perjury presumably she was questioned by some kind of court about drug taking, but drug taking in sport is not a criminal offense, so why was she compelled to make statements under oath? The cads who would place a young mother in this situation are as much villians as the coaches who exploited her and forced the steroids on her.