Originally Posted by joshbaumgartner
Democrats, regardless of the primary jockeying, should she win, will rally around her more strongly because of the attacks.
I know one who won't. Policy wise, she's OK, but truth wise she gives Shrub a run for his money. My problem is do we really need 20 years of the most cynical kind of spin-meisters running the country? Bill, then George, then Hillary? (Edwards falls into this too, BTW). The only thing worse, to my mind would be a religious nutcase like Huccabee or Romney (Mormanism is the Scientology of the 19th century. With all due respect to the several Mormons I have know, uniformly good people, I don't want a Scientologies or a wearing-Spock-Ears-to-work Trekkie as president either.) or a certified bloodthirsty autocratic maniac like Guiliani (who would also fall under the cynical spin-meister umbrella).