Originally Posted by dc_dux
It appears to me that you are content with it be twisted one way rather than another....to help one political agenda over another.
I would prefer objective, open reporting from Iraq...including access provided to any legitimate news organizations to Pentagon weekly blogger roundtables or other briefings.....or more to the point, why the fuck is the Pentagon holding closed, private, roundtables with bloggers at all.
<h3>Can you provide any rationale for briefings to a select few?</h3>
dc_dux, I covered a similar penchant for "exclusiveness" in another thread, a while back:
Why is GOP & Conservative "Message" Delivered by such a Tiny Media ...
I've listed about half of the RNC featured talk show hosts. .... Now we see how "tiny" the effort has ended up being....reducing the republican senate ...
This guy represents that he is "reporting" "from Iraq". If you agree with what he is writing, it may seem like "reporting", just as what comes out of the mouths of the talking heads and from the videos on the screen on foxnews, seems like "reporting", but it is suspect. It smacks of political bias, and a lack of objectivity with regard to the US soldiers the "reporter" is supposed to be "reporting" the activities of....I would have no confidence he is capable of reporting the "truth on the ground", for the readers of his newspaper, back in NYC, do you?
August 23, 2007, New York Post
By Ralph Peters
....What if al Qaeda were setting the entire thing up to get us to attack a home where women and children were present? What if they were playing all of our technical advantages against us and springing a political trap? <h3>Contrary to the myths of the left</h3>, no Americans leaders want to harm the innocent. And the local repercussions of bad targeting could set back reconciliation efforts by months.
Still, everybody in that room wanted to shoot. <h3>Hitting back is the natural impulse for Marines or soldiers - get the enemy, any time you can</h3>. Nail that mortar team while we've got them.
Everything was in place for the attack......
....Everyone must've been disappointed. <h3>But they didn't show it. They're Marines. They just carry on with the mission.....</h3>
Ralph Peters is reporting from Iraq for The Post.