It's not that Hillary is unelectable - I tend to think she is, and I hope to net have to find out for sure, but I could easily be surprised. No one has ever gone broke underestimating the <s>American</s> people.
The problem with Hillary is that, regardless of her qualifications, capabilities, ideas, and advisers, if elected she cannot rule.
There is a large group of wealthy people who hate her with a pathological fury who will exert every ounce of their considerable power to make sure that any Mrs. Clinton administration will be a miserable failure to make Bush look like George Washington (or at least Ronald Reagan - who was a lousy president but don't try telling them that).
They have been stockpiling political ammunition for the last 15 years. A second Clinton administration will come out of the gate like the first Clinton administration exited - under seige by people who think that the very greatest service they can do to their country is to make the administration a train wreck to prevent anything like it from ever happening again.
With that said, I think it would be amusing and infuriating to watch, and it would give her the opportunity to crush these people like the weasels they are (I'm talkin' to you, Scaife!), but I don' think she has the chops to do it (though she's probably better equipped for a no holds barred, salted earth campaign than Bill.)
On top of that, I am concerned that there will be some degree of this for any Democratic president, plus the economic and military Shitburger combo plate that the Bush Administration has served them and they're going to have to eat and smile.
And that last is why, if Clinton gets the nomination, I'll probably vote for McCain. It's not that he's better equipped than any of the Democrats, or that he would be more able to deal with the coming meltdown than any of the other Republicans. It's that I would expect him to be honest about it (which I would not expect from anyone else except Kucinich - fat chance of that happening), and his honesty would very likely doom the Republican party for the next 20 to 50 years.
Light a man a fire, and he will be warm while it burns.
Set a man on fire, and he will be warm for the rest of his life.