Originally Posted by Seaver
US Military members... who vote in VAST quantities Republican. I seem to remember the Democrats trying to get these thrown out in Florida.... convenient.
Host, I'm not saying it's widespread and a plague. What I'm pointing out is your rediculous partisanship on this issue. You throw a fit about dibold, how Bush was not elected on two separate occasions because of fraud. And then you follow up with a blackball of THE MOST SIMPLE method of preventing fraud.
My ridiculous partisanship? The corrupt Florida "Felon voter purge list" changed the outcome of the 2000 US presidential race....and the current, fairy tale "Vote fraud" op, destroyed the reputation and functionality of the US Justice Dept.
I'm outraged....screaming...pounding.....arggggghhhhhh abso-fucking-lutely veins pounding in the temples.....disgusted with the relentless attempts by republican elected and party officials to undermine the country, fake non-issues into relevance, and dismiss real issues....if you're not, you wouldn't understand.