Originally Posted by host
[jewel, the problem related to new voter I.D. requirements, is the mirror opposite of what you are describing, hence, my opposition to it. If you have any independent reporting of people attempting to vote using phony ID's or of people misrepresenting who there are in attempt to vote illegitimately ...
I simply stated that I believe photo ID
should be required in order to vote. My opinion is merely that based on what I've seen and how prevalent identification theft has become. I don't have any reports or links although if I'm sure I could find some stats that might or might not work. I can only guess that the links you've posted refer to the people that can't vote because they have no ID. The stats can't possibly reflect the number of lost, stolen and phony IDs that are out there and readily available.
pan, both jewels443, have already posted "it's discriminatory against blacks".... how the fuck do you figure?" answers as to how it is discriminatory to add new ID requirements to restrict voting. I've reposted jewels443's description, in this post.
WTF? My cries of discrimination must be firewalled here.
Show me independent reporting on this "voter fraud" which concerns you enough to add restrictions to some people's access to the polls. Now, you've only convinced me that you've allowed yourself to be influenced by the illegal republican vote suppression opertation, exactly in the manner that they've intended for you to be.
I can appreciate the time you spend researching but there are certain things that you'll never find in print, such as the lost and stolen IDs I mention above. The things I see are never reported in the media, the stats I can offer are not recorded. Show me that everything you read is truly accurate and I'll personally drive a senior from where I live to his itty bitty hometown to get what's called a "Statement in Lieu of Certificate" so he can get a State ID.