You want to vote, you have an ID. That plain and simple. I don't see a reason why this is even a problem.
State IDs are dirt cheap and you can even use fake addresses on them.
I deal with a great many homeless people and even they have ID's.
All having an ID will do is help to prevent voter fraud (you know dead people voting, illegals voting, etc.), I'm a Democrat but if my party is scared of this law then something is seriously wrong.
And for anyone to bring race into it "it's discriminatory against blacks".... how the fuck do you figure? What states don't issue state ID's to everyone with $15 (in Ohio I'm sure a little more in some states less in others) and an address... and I believe the state ID expires like 20 yrs after the issue date and you could still use it. I'm sure at the polls they are not going to check nor have the time to check the expiration dates that closely.
I need to show my ID to cash a check... no matter where I cash it, a bank, a store, a check cashing place, etc.
If you drive, you need a driver's license, so that takes care of that population. If you have a library card, at least everywhere I have ever lived, you need a photo ID with proper address (unless you are a minor then your parents have to sign). To buy spray paint, anything with pseudoephedrine (Sudafed), etc. you need an ID (and if you say you can buy pseudoephedrine cough medicines, you are lying or the place you buy it is selling it illegally.....
The Federal statute included the following requirements for merchants ("regulated seller") who sell these products (pseudoephedrine is defined as a "scheduled listed chemical product under 21 USC 802(45(A)):
Required verification of proof of identity of all purchasers
In Ohio the law requires that if you look under 40 you are supposed to be ID'd for tobacco and alcohol.... many places don't but the law is there.
I need an ID when I go to pick up a registered letter, when I use my credit cards.... etc.
There is no reason in the world why a legal resident should not have an ID.
It's a major way to stop voter fraud and if one party is using excuses why it is wrong to need one to vote, when you need an ID for just about any other service, it makes me wonder what that party is truly afraid of.
But.... why not let the populace vote on it, put it on ballots and let the people decide.