Originally posted by duckduck
Since no one else seems to be asking..........
What are your views on predestination and free will as it relates to Christianity as this seems to be your "main" strength, topic wise (I know you've hinted at this in other posts, but this outta to remove any doubt)?
Did believers choose God? Did God choose them? If God chose them, why bother evangelizing? If we choose God, can we not obey His plan for us?
Predestination vs. Freewill is always an interesting question, because as 4thTimeLucky pointed out in another post, if God is Omniscient and knows what we will do before we do it, do we indeed have freewill?
My viewpoint is this, that free will is a reality, the ultimate being a complete free will to affirm or deny the existance of God. Whether or not God knows what we will do and it is "predestined" centers around the nature of our percieved dimensions as seen in a larger dimension. In other words, is all of creation and time already in existance and we're just playing it out like a cd being played from beginning to end, or is there the possibility of change?
Well, after reading and pondering the latest theories on the nature of the universe, time, and alternate dimensions, I am still of the opinion that you and I have free will, but perhaps we do make all decisions in our lives.
This leaves me with the answer of "I don't know" beyond that.
As to God choosing believers or believers choosing God, I believe that God chooses all of us but it is up to us to accept that choice. As a result, we can try to discern and follow that plan or not as we desire.