Originally Posted by fresnelly
It's the middle of the night and joe average (dishevelled but slim and square-jawed) is rummaging around the fridge for a midnight snack. Typical of a bachelor, it's pretty much empty and all that's left is one well lit pack of yogurt. He opens it hesitantly and is about to put the spoon in mouth when suddenly his buxom, (wearing nothing but one of his dress shirts) suprises him out of the darkness and snatches the spoon from his hand. She backs slowly away, her eyes never leaving his and sucks the dollop of white yogurt off the spoon. With a knowing smile he sprints after her and together they rush off camera through the bedroom door.
Snap to black and a catchy slogan about yogurt's energizing nutrition.[/i]
The message is similar to the OP's ads (Yogurt can get you laid) but there's no hard message that you're not good enough.
Yogurt porn gets me going.
This is advertising brilliance, of course. Do you work for Dannon?