What a fucking stupid advertisement decision by that company....is it just me, or are advertisements really terrible nowadays? Not just the odd terrible ad, nearly every ad you see! *shakes head*
I don't care what anyone says, Marilyn Monroe was not fat, she was absolutely gorgeous just the way she was.
I gave up a long time ago trying to "be the ideal shape." I am who I am, and I'm sick and tired of being told to fix myself.
I was a figure skater for years and years, it was all I did. So naturally, I had well-defined muscles, especially in my thighs and buttocks. I might have had a tiny waist, but i'd have to get pants a size or two bigger to fit my bum! And when you're 14 or 15 and getting shit from someone for being a size 7 or 8, well....to say the least it really sucks.
Being not even 5'3" and having unusually large muscles (which weigh more than fat might I add) made me heavier pound-wise too. I think I read somewhere that a healthy weight range for a woman around 5'3" is between 114-130 pounds.
I still have a lot of muscle mass because I work out. If I really wanted to, I guess I could stop and lose some pounds by "starving" my muscles so I could wear smaller clothes, but I like being strong! So hah! lol :P
I never had guys look at me before, I'm guessing because I was "muscular." If they find me less attractive because of that, fuck em. lol
you can't make everyone happy, so just work on making yourself happy girls <3
Ok, I'll get off my soapbox now.