Originally Posted by Ustwo
Just a side note, I'm not going to go hostal on you and post all the links, but that story I posted about the men slashing the republican vans tires on election day in the 'biased' and unreliable source is apparently completely...true.
Do a google of the names if you don't believe me and it bothers you I used such a tainted source.
Ustwo...you implied the tire slashing incident was comparable to, or worse than, the NH phone jamming and cited your source. You and the ACVR site made some nebulous inference (or want people to conclude) that the act had some connection to or was sanctioned by the Democratic Party...and the facts do not support that unsubstantiated allegation.
That is the exactly type of misinformation and twisting of the truth spread by such sites to support a political agenda.
No need to google the name..I posted a story with the facts, including a statement that there was no connection to the Democratic Party raised at the trial.
Objective viewers of our discussion can decide for themselves.(thank you Host for moving it to the Voter ID thread.)
Four top level Republican operatives who either copped a plea or were found guilty, along with with trial testimony of direct connections to the RNC in the phone jamming case as opposed to five low level campaign workers who have no ties to, nor were on the payroll of, the Democratic Party or the DNC and no court documents that suggested such a connection in the tire slashing case.
It doesnt take a genius IQ to see the difference.