Originally Posted by Crompsin
I call BS on that last photo in the OP.
Marilyn Monroe was not an anorexic androg by any means.
She was a rather full-figured woman.
Damn straight, she was a size 10! (something hollywood would consider obese today) She was thick and oozing with sexuality according to my dad.
I think women need a happy medium.
I actually think that show How to Look Good Naked for women with that Carson guy is a great eye opener for women who are insecure about themselves. I think it's really nice they're putting something like that on TV for people to see and hopefully pull their eyes off how perfect so and sos body is. My moms really self conscious about how she looks and she's curvy. 42DDs I think...unfortunately not too good for her back but you see what I mean. Curves are good in different ways.
Being healthy is the goal for me. I worry about not being a size 0 at times but I realize it's stupid to try to adapt to something impossible. I'm taller so I need more meat anyway.