I believe the majority or people prefer thin, fit looking mates, but ultimately looks don't matter as much as we act like it does. If a mate is supposed to be the one who completes us, then probably our preference of a mate has the qualities we wish we had ourselves. But, this is just my take on it.
From experience, being thick isn't as different as being thin when it comes to being able to get men. Being thin, I got more glances my way, but now I'm thicker and I've found that more men approach me-- probably I look more approachable? Being thinner felt better and I could be on top during sex a lot longer (but I still couldn't run a mile for shit). Being morbidly obese hinders one from doing all the things one could do if one were thinner and this is what we really find unattractive about being fat. If people could be fat and climb three flights of stairs without losing their breath, then I don't think being fat would ever be an issue.
These ads are dumb and if I saw them in a magazine, I wouldn't want to buy their product just from their ad alone. They should definitely change the focus of their ads.