I do agree that big women still get labeled as sexually unappealing because of their size and I think it is true that overweight people at least in the U.S. are treated like 2nd class citizens.
Personally when I decided to lose some weight it was partly due to health reasons, but ultimately I didnt feel sexy to myself any longer. If you dont feel sexy to yourself then you dont have that confidence that attracts people. I wanted to have a better self-image of myself and I wanted to get laid. Pure and simple!
But, on the other hand I do find larger women attractive and I think theres quite a few men out there that would agree. Especially men of color. Ultimately I think its the media that is upholding this negative stereotype. Big women can be and are sexy.
All in all, this is a crappy campaign because I dont think it proves that larger women are unappealing if that is what they are trying to do.
If they had been effective in their image I think I would still detest the negative marketing campaign.