Overweight people are generally considered to be less attractive in Western culture. Since when is this news? The origin is being healthy. If you're 5'5" and 330 lbs., you're likely to get diabetes and heart problems. If mommy dies when I'm 8 from a cardiac arrest, then natural selection has failed. Not only that, but the behavioral patterns get passed on an little Jimmy ends up being fat too... you can see how this makes sense.
If you've experienced or are experiencing emotional turmoil, then don't eat to make yourself feel better. Having lost 80 pounds myself, I can tell you that life really is better when you're thin. I can tie my shoes without having to come up for air, and yes I can get a phone number or two from nice young ladies. If I was 270 lbs., that wouldn't be the case.
The sexual preference thing is instinctive and intuitive. If there's famine, you pick the fat person. If there's an abundance of food and people are getting sick from excess, you pick the thin person.