Originally Posted by abaya
There's also something to be said for the "You can't complain if you didn't vote" philosophy. That one has stuck with me since I was young.
I see my probable position not so much as a lack of a vote but as a vote for none. I'll be voting in every race for which I can find a candidate who I feel I can support, and I think that the best thing for our country would probably be a Democrat in the White House with a Republican majority of around 55% in each house of congress. Connecticut will go to the Democrats unless hell freezes over, and a protest vote is more meaningful to me than a vote I don't mean.
I voted Libertarian in 2004, for a candidate who matched me 55% in the ontheissues.org candidate match quiz. I can overlook the economic extremism with which I disagree because even if hell froze over and the candidate won, congress would be there to balance them out. I cannot do the same in 2008 unless they nominate Imperato because I see other Libertarian candidates' immigration policies as ranging from xenophobic to outright racist.
The way we're going, by 2012 I'll have my chance to vote ... from the rooftop.
Originally Posted by Crompsin
It isn't vote or die, it's vote because it makes the system better and more accurate. Think of it as helping row the boat of government. You only have to put in one stroke every four years, for Christ's sake. Democracy works because the government reflects the desires of the people... if only certain people vote... we're not getting the whole picture.
I'd rather keep my oar out of the water than row in the wrong direction.
Wow. Guns and voting. Nice. I don't know how to tackle the concept of firearm ownership and voting in this thread. You have the right to vote and the right to buy and own a firearm. You don't have to vote or own a firearm, but doing the first one benefits society while the second one might be useful should somebody decide your family would go well with some fava beans.
Funny thing is, my biggest problem with most of the front runners is gun control. The majority who say "we need a new Assault Weapons Ban" and Obama's "ban all semi-autos" are dealbreakers for me.
Originally Posted by flstf
Continually voting for these (agents of change) polititians reminds me of the fraternities/clubs that give swats during initiation. "Thank You Sir, may I have another."
Sorry for the threadjack. I still think you shouldn't feel obligated to vote in an election where you do not support any of the candidates.
At least someone understands me 100%
Originally Posted by Crompsin
Yeah, I suppose acquiescence is pretty democratic. Hmm.
If a candidate who I can support is not nominated by election 2008, I will write you and Ustwo in as a P/VP ticket. At least I'm voting for someone, right?