He's got $2 in the bank, his staff has been quitting since the get go, and his "flip flops" make John McCain look solid as a rock. Not only that, but his "I'm a Washington outsider" rhetoric stand in stark opposition to his 25 years in Washington. Completely and totally idiotic. Just do a search of host's posts that include McCain.
BTW, is anyone else kinda chuckling at the fact that Ron Paul's incredible online presence is meaningless in the primaries? I know some may think it's because of cheating, but there's no precedence for such an eCampaign, so there's no way to be sure.
Hilary is a Republican who happened to have thought that people should get health care. She was a mad fence walker in NY and supported the war. Hmm... fence walker.... supported the war... sounds like a republican to me.
Interesting story. Can we please have paper ballots again?