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Old 01-08-2008, 11:31 PM   #28 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Ustwo
Apparently we have a different definition of sane in the Midwest.
Honestly, Kucinich got most of his support in 2004 from Midwestern states. He got a big push from farmers and big plugs through Farm Aid. Of course, by "big" I mean relative to his overall vote-getting potential. Kucinich really is a good man and is personally very inspiring with a real human, down-to-earth life. He has a lot of good ideas and ideals, but he fundamentally misunderstands how politics works. The man isn't a real politician and, in some ways, that's his greatest quality, but the fact of the matter is that our political system is pretty damned great and has worked very well for quite a while now. America works through compromise and that allows for slow change, but more importantly it safe guards us in many ways. That's very frustrating when there are injustices piling up, but that's what the role of candidates/politicians like Kucinich is.

I am a fan of Kucinich the man and very much so, but as a national politician (not just a state representative, I mean) I just can't get behind someone who is so uncompromising. That's the problem we have now in Bush and I don't want to trade an idiot-tyrant for an enlightened-tyrant. As for Kucinich as a VP I think that would be alright assuming he doesn't ascend to the presidency and that picking him up as a VP united either the party or country by filling a void in the ticket. Unfortunately, neither assumption is valid. The man does great work in the House and brings an important voice to the national political discussion. I think he might have a place in a democratic presidents cabinet.

Anyway, to somewhat relate back to the original topic I do want to say that I really am going to have to grit my teeth at the ballot box if Obama wins the nomination. I live in a solidly blue state so I might be able to get away with not doing so, but in a close race I will show up to vote Democrat. Obama is far from perfect for many reasons. I think experience matters. I'm not from Missouri but when you talk change or consistency I say 'show me'. I refuse to take someone at there word, no matter how trustworthy or unimpeachable that person is, when nothing less than the presidency of the United States is on the line. Additionally, I see Obama as the media's darling. He is the Howard Dean of this race. I feel that the media is giving Obama a free ride because he is hard to report on due to his relative lack of experience and, chiefly, because by crafting another mover-and-shaker, semi-populist, semi-liberal, Dean-esque candidate they can sell a candidate that will sell more viewers/readers on their outlet. He's fresh and new and people will tune in to hear about it him while the Clinton and Edwards stories have already sold their papers. Finally, I am a moderate democratic and I largely find Obama as more left than Hillary and more divisive in a hypothetical 4 year term. He is just too vague and programatic in his 'plans' and 'issues', he is a one-trick pony and that trick is repeating the word 'change' as much as possible while accusing everyone else as being an 'insider' and thus part of the status quo problem. It really is a masterful strategy, but I just don't buy into it. I feel that his seeming 'perfection' is a veil created through the methods I've mentioned earlier. It's all smoke and mirrors and I can only hope that voters realize that before Super Tuesday or else the nation will by November and us Democrats will be in real trouble.
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