Yes the police were assholes. That sucks.
Look at what happens to them every single day: they go to find out where someone is. The person at the door lies. The cops keep asking questions and eventually find the person at fault and the "fugitive" is actually in the house. Them being assholes turned up the fugitive.
This happens all the time. Cops have to treat people like that because more often than not, the person at the door IS lying. It sucks that nice, innocent people have to get that treatment as well, but if the cops have a better chance of turning up someone by drilling you, then that's what they have to do. There's no excuse for being downright rude, but when you get 500 calls a week about bullshit like this, being aggressive from the get go gets results much faster than playing nice guy and then busting down the door a week later and scaring the shit out of everyone.