Originally Posted by Leto
I've since added to the game collection (Metroid Prime - Corruption, super Mario Galaxy and some Rabit killing game) and they seem to be engaging enough. I find that they are dissapointing in that they are more traditional style, while I want more that involves the motion of the controller. I find that Mario Galaxy is a lot like Ratchet and Clank. In fact, so is Metroid.
In the future it would be interesting to develop Tai Chi exercises or even explore the world of sensuality (ok, porn...)
One thing you might consider doing is subscribing to a game rental service. I found one online that seems similar to the U.S.'s Gamefly service, but it's Canadian:
http://www.gameaccess.ca It looks like they also have used games. Wii games are expensive, but renting lets you figure out which ones you like without suffering from buyer's remorse, plus you can order used games for less money. Kinda nice.