My eldest daughter's father (ex #1) has been gung ho on this bovine colostrum, for well over a year. My daughter's been telling me that she's started taking it recently and feels great, her grandmother (who's 80something) no longer has arthritic pain and my ex, who's always been a bit of a hypochondriac, hasn't complained of any ailments in a long time. I was skeptical when she first told me about the stuff and did some quick research and decided it was overhyped several months ago.
I saw her again lunchtime today and noticed a difference in her energy level and her skin tone; she seems healthier than I've seen her in years. She has a whole new outlook that's very positive and different from how she's been, and she's been with the same guy for over two years, happy with the situation.
I just googled again and was able to find a few JAMA articles, but wondered if anyone's used this stuff or has any feelings one way or another. I'm on the fence about now and not sure I'm ready to shell out a new monthly expense unless I'm sure it'll really do what it claims to do.
This study's not quite sure:
I liked this one:
So I'd love any input. Any experiences? Knowledge of the stuff? What do you think? What's real, what's bull, what's it all mean?