Wow... I love this game.
It takes on new gameplay mechanics, camera work, and control interface but still "feels" like Mario. It's truly a successor to the great Mario titles in that it keeps what was fun about them but allows the player to interact with those principles in several innovative ways.
Graphics are the best I've seen on Wii and (even on my HDTV) on par with some XBOX360 games. The music is simply incredible... a great blend of the classic whistle-able melodies along with a smattering of epic orchestrations.
I've recovered 117 stars so far. Considering that only half that number is required to complete the game... that should be a testament to how *fun* this game is. The quick-pacing and constant positive feedback that comes with collecting a star or uncovering a galaxy keeps me glued.
My only complaints are about the difficulty. Since you pretty much have your pick of the galaxies after a small time investment, it's very easy to cherry-pick the easy stars for a quick completion. Would have preferred the designers set the limit at 80-90 stars. Also, a great many of them fall into the "easy" category... too few pose a real challenge to anyone familiar with 3D Mario platformers (though a small handful are genuinely difficult).
The platforming genre isn't the dominant force it once was, but you'd be hard-pressed to argue this isn't the ultimate 3D platforming game of all time.
If you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance for survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.
~ Winston Churchill