The problem with defining what is a problem with Obama is that the problems change depending on what side of the fence you happen to fall upon. If you want to argue ideology, then, one could find several things wrong with him.
However, I sense that you are looking to find "what is wrong with him" in comparison to Clinton. I cannot help you with that because I think they are both wrong (i.e. the Theory of Global Warming and spending money on something that isn't even proven.)
I would say that the thing that could be wrong with him, "universally", is that he is a politician. However, they all are and it would be naive to think that he will do anything other than bend to whatever master he serves, whether it be Corporations (on the Conservative side) or Special Interest/Unions (on the Liberal side). They're all dirty and all it takes is a few lobbyists with a whole lot of money to change their minds.
Remember... In California, the Governator stated "I have plenty of money and I will not need to take money from Special Interests". He held out for a little while, but he eventually turned too. I guess my point is that no one can be trusted because the untrustworthy people have made it impossible for anyone at that level to be trusted.